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9:05am 01-13-2024
Hi Luna Faris I’m Cassie’s sister. I would really love to talk to you. If you could find me on FB and DM my name is Katie Joyce. Thank you for that story!!! She definitely made a huge impact the short time she was here ❤️
3:31am 11-27-2022
Shirley Baer
I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter Cassie. I see that she was not only a nice person she defended people that were being bullied at school. What a wonderful young lady. You are in my thoughts and prayers always...
3:39pm 11-19-2022
Luna faris
I'm a Lil nervous to write this.

Cassie was a year older than me in hs. I was bullied constantly and it was incredibly hard. She was one of two people in that whole school and honestly my life as a whole who showed me kindness.

She was friend of my sister and so I never really spoke of this... it was years and I've certainly never been close enough to my family to share this however I'd like Cassie's family to know she impacted someone's life for the best.

Given I did not experience kindness I assumed she must have liked me as a child, so I had gathered my guts to ask her out one day, that was the first day she was out sick. So I would wait till the next, and the next.

My mother unbenounced to me was also Cassie's nurse... musta been bmh picu back then, hard to remember.

I whenever I am in easthampton visit the small circular memorial by the gazebo. I bring or pick a flower and say hello to her. I've made a habit of introducing people I've been close to in order to tell stories of how she helped me survive high-school. I miss her with regularity and I have ever wished I could trade places, until the world became so dark and I accepted that to her benefit she didn't have to endure thus life.

I wish you all the best, and hope time has brought peace.
9:31am 07-21-2018
Christopher's mommy
Dear Joyce - I am keeping you and your family very much in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Cassie on her birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
1:23pm 07-21-2017
Christopher's mommy
Dear Joyce - I am keeping you and your family very much in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Cassie on her birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
7:47am 01-28-2017
Christopher's mommy
Dear Joyce - I am sorry that i did not get here to sign yesterday, but i wanted to let you know that you and your family ahave been very much in my thoughts and prayers as you are remembering your precious Angel Cassie for her special day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
7:47am 01-28-2017
Christopher's mommy
Dear Joyce - I am sorry that i did not get here to sign yesterday, but i wanted to let you know that you and your family ahave been very much in my thoughts and prayers as you are remembering your precious Angel Cassie for her special day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
9:14am 07-21-2016
Christopher's mommy
Dear Joyce - I am keeping you and your family very much in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Cassie on her birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
7:22am 01-27-2016
Christopher's mommy
Dear Joyce - you and your family are very much in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Cassie on her special day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
7:47am 07-21-2015
Dear Mamma Joy,
May today you remember your beautiful Cassie with love, memories and laughter. I didn't realize she and my Sandi were born in the same year, just 8 days apart. Birthdays are so silent now, without them here. I'll have my Forever In Our Hearts light burning in Cassie's loving memory.
I love you so much, my mamma Joy. God bless you.

Love always,
Cheryl, Sandi's moma always and forever ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
7:18am 07-21-2015
Christopher's mommy
Dear Joyce - I am keeping you and your family very much in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Cassie on her birthday. I am sorry that we kind of fell out of touch. I think of you often, and i should take more time to at least write to you. sigh.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
7:41am 01-27-2015
Christopher's mommy
Dear Joyce - you and your family are very much in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Cassie on her special day.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
1:39pm 07-21-2014
Christopher's mommy
Dear Joyce - I am keeping you and your family very much in my thoughts and prayers as you remember your precious Angel Cassie on her birthday.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever
11:02am 02-08-2014
Christopher's mommy
Thinking of you and your Angel Cassie.
love and hugs,
Christopher's mommy forever